Download PDF LILIANA PAPINI "lei lui gli altrie Firenze" Italian Edition edition by Jacopo Nuti Literature Fiction eBooks
Download As PDF : LILIANA PAPINI "lei lui gli altrie Firenze" Italian Edition edition by Jacopo Nuti Literature Fiction eBooks
Liliana Papini, donna schietta, con un certo fascino di cui non vuole rendersi conto. Impulsiva ma riflessiva, brontolona ma versatile, pronta a farsi in due quando serve. Verace, fiorentina. Di Piazza del Carmine. Tuttofare presso un distaccamento di psichiatria dell’Ospedale di Careggi. Ex amante della vita. Di compagnia con le persone giuste. Capelli scuri, lunghi, leggermente mossi. Labbra signorili, occhi grandi e chiari, grigio-azzurri. Il mondo le sta stretto e ultimamente non lo sopporta più. È Giugno inoltrato quando qualcosa in clinica cambia i suoi scenari e le sue abitudini quotidiane trovandosi così a vagare per le strade di Firenze con un filosofo, un cieco e uno smemorato. Riuscirà a scoprire gli insegnamenti di suo nonno Novello? Riuscirà a capire l’ultimo suo messaggio criptico riguardo al “tempo”? Ritroverà se stessa e, probabilmente, anche qualcosa di più? Per scoprirlo non resta che lasciarsi trasportare dalle parole di questo libro che ripercorre una Firenze contemporanea con tanti accenni a una Firenze passata e che cerca di interpretare la fiorentinità da un punto di vista più riflessivo.
Download PDF LILIANA PAPINI "lei lui gli altrie Firenze" Italian Edition edition by Jacopo Nuti Literature Fiction eBooks
Product details
File Size 1249 KB
Print Length 229 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN 1796212881
Publication Date February 5, 2019
Sold by Digital Services LLC
Language Italian
Tags : LILIANA PAPINI "...lei, lui, gli altri...e Firenze" (Italian Edition) - edition by Jacopo Nuti. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading LILIANA PAPINI "...lei, lui, gli altri...e Firenze" (Italian Edition).,ebook,Jacopo Nuti,LILIANA PAPINI "...lei, lui, gli altri...e Firenze" (Italian Edition),Fiction / General,Fiction / Satire
LILIANA PAPINI "lei lui gli altrie Firenze" Italian Edition edition by Jacopo Nuti Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
Download The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250222015 Books
Download As PDF : The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250222015 Books
This program is read by the author and includes a foreword written and read by Tony Robbins.
In this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of "trapped emotions"―emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction, and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love.
The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,†and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.
Download The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250222015 Books
Tags : The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness (Updated and Expanded Edition) [Dr. Bradley Nelson, Tony Robbins] on . <b>This program is read by the author and includes a foreword written and read by Tony Robbins.</b> <b></b> In this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code</i>,Dr. Bradley Nelson, Tony Robbins,The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness (Updated and Expanded Edition),Macmillan Audio,125022201X,061301 SMP Audio,AUDIO,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Healing / Energy (Qigong, Reiki, Polarity),Body code; trapped emotions; releasing emotions; healing emotions; self-healing; Brad Nelson; magnet healing; energy therapy; emotional blockage; emotional blocks; magnet therapy; recovering from trauma; how to muscle test; surrogate testing; muscle testing techniques; energy flow; energy healing; heal yourself,EMOTIONS,General Adult,Healing,Holistic Medicine,Medical/Healing,Medical/Holistic Medicine,New Age,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,SELF-HELP / Emotions,SPIRITUAL HEALING,United States,body code; trapped emotions; releasing emotions; healing emotions; self-healing; Brad Nelson; magnet therapy; magnet healing; energy therapy; emotional blockage; emotional blocks; recovering from trauma; how to muscle test; surrogate testing; muscle testing techniques; energy flow; energy healing; heal yourself
The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250222015 Books Reviews :
The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250222015 Books Reviews
PDF Trackers The Complete Four Book Series A PostApocalyptic Survival Thriller edition by Nicholas Sansbury Smith Literature Fiction eBooks
Download As PDF : Trackers The Complete Four Book Series A PostApocalyptic Survival Thriller edition by Nicholas Sansbury Smith Literature Fiction eBooks
PDF Trackers The Complete Four Book Series A PostApocalyptic Survival Thriller edition by Nicholas Sansbury Smith Literature Fiction eBooks
" Nicholas Smith, bestselling author of the Extinction Cycle series, has hit a home run with the “Trackers†series of four books. “Trackers†is a refreshingly new and realistic series in the post-apocalyptic genre in that it does not rely on zombies or a worldwide plague to drive the story line and in doing so, it exposes the vulnerabilities of modern America to an EMP attack. Given recent events, this attack by North Korea is plausible and should give our elected officials cause for concern. Trackers also exposes the dark, underbelly of violence in America. The renown Dr. Arthur Bradley, author of many survivalist books, provides a sober scene-setter in his foreword. Much of the action takes place in Colorado after a highly plausible North Korean EMP attack that paralyzes most of the continental United States followed by a nuclear attack on Washington, D.C. “Trackers†includes the chaotic and savage scene of a struggle for survival in small towns and large cities. The characters are complex and fully-developed with personal strengths and weaknesses, warts and all, of the sort you expect to find in people at all levels. The theme of “leave no man behind†is prevalent always, sometimes to the detriment of the greater good. The action is fast-paced but totally believable with several unexpected plot twists. The author employs great foreshadowing on several occasions. Nicholas Smith shows intimate knowledge as to what essential services are required in times of crisis, and the main characters demonstrate that public safety continues to be the prime mission of government no matter what the circumstances. Not only must the local law enforcement officers deal with the chaos caused by the EMP attack, they also must deal with militias, organized crime, and street gangs. Nick absolutely nails the intensity of combat. As a Vietnam veteran, reading Trackers caused a flashback to a terrible dark night in Vietnam when I was the only America for miles around with about 100 Montagnards fighting off an enemy bent on our destruction. Although the fighting was not hand-to-hand, it was close enough, and I was thankful to be alive when the smoke cleared the next morning. I still have a VC flag we pulled off the wire, but that is another story. Unlike some novels, “Trackers†leaves the reader with a sense of completion. The Epilogue is an awesome wrap-up to the series. As Raven, one of the main characters, reflects on his fallen comrades, “He wasn’t thinking about how they had died - he was thinking about how they had lived: Honorable, brave, and selfless.†I think about my classmates who died in Vietnam every day. I mourn their loss but give praise and thanks for their example of selfless service to our country. I have pledged myself to live my life in such a way to honor their sacrifice. Although a work of fiction, the threat from North Korea is real. The “Tracker†series serves to inform and prepare us for the unthinkable. The “Trackers†series is destined to become the jewel in the crown of post-apocalyptic mystery-thrillers."
Product details
File Size 1919 KB
Print Length 1334 pages
Publisher Great Wave Ink Publishing; 1 edition (October 13, 2018)
Publication Date October 13, 2018
Sold by Digital Services LLC
Language English
Tags : Trackers The Complete Four Book Series (A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller) - edition by Nicholas Sansbury Smith. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Trackers The Complete Four Book Series (A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller).,ebook,Nicholas Sansbury Smith,Trackers The Complete Four Book Series (A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller),Great Wave Ink Publishing,Fiction / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic Post-Apocalyptic,Fiction / Action Adventure
Trackers The Complete Four Book Series A PostApocalyptic Survival Thriller edition by Nicholas Sansbury Smith Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
Trackers The Complete Four Book Series A PostApocalyptic Survival Thriller edition by Nicholas Sansbury Smith Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Nicholas Smith, bestselling author of the Extinction Cycle series, has hit a home run with the “Trackers†series of four books. “Trackers†is a refreshingly new and realistic series in the post-apocalyptic genre in that it does not rely on zombies or a worldwide plague to drive the story line and in doing so, it exposes the vulnerabilities of modern America to an EMP attack. Given recent events, this attack by North Korea is plausible and should give our elected officials cause for concern. Trackers also exposes the dark, underbelly of violence in America. The renown Dr. Arthur Bradley, author of many survivalist books, provides a sober scene-setter in his foreword. Much of the action takes place in Colorado after a highly plausible North Korean EMP attack that paralyzes most of the continental United States followed by a nuclear attack on Washington, D.C. “Trackers†includes the chaotic and savage scene of a struggle for survival in small towns and large cities. The characters are complex and fully-developed with personal strengths and weaknesses, warts and all, of the sort you expect to find in people at all levels. The theme of “leave no man behind†is prevalent always, sometimes to the detriment of the greater good. The action is fast-paced but totally believable with several unexpected plot twists. The author employs great foreshadowing on several occasions. Nicholas Smith shows intimate knowledge as to what essential services are required in times of crisis, and the main characters demonstrate that public safety continues to be the prime mission of government no matter what the circumstances. Not only must the local law enforcement officers deal with the chaos caused by the EMP attack, they also must deal with militias, organized crime, and street gangs. Nick absolutely nails the intensity of combat. As a Vietnam veteran, reading Trackers caused a flashback to a terrible dark night in Vietnam when I was the only America for miles around with about 100 Montagnards fighting off an enemy bent on our destruction. Although the fighting was not hand-to-hand, it was close enough, and I was thankful to be alive when the smoke cleared the next morning. I still have a VC flag we pulled off the wire, but that is another story. Unlike some novels, “Trackers†leaves the reader with a sense of completion. The Epilogue is an awesome wrap-up to the series. As Raven, one of the main characters, reflects on his fallen comrades, “He wasn’t thinking about how they had died - he was thinking about how they had lived Honorable, brave, and selfless.†I think about my classmates who died in Vietnam every day. I mourn their loss but give praise and thanks for their example of selfless service to our country. I have pledged myself to live my life in such a way to honor their sacrifice. Although a work of fiction, the threat from North Korea is real. The “Tracker†series serves to inform and prepare us for the unthinkable. The “Trackers†series is destined to become the jewel in the crown of post-apocalyptic mystery-thrillers.
When I find a product I believe in, I shill like there's no tomorrow. It's a good day when I stumble across a new good writer. On a whim, I purchased Nicholas Sansbury Smith's collected bundle of his Trackers series, which was available for download on the cheap. If your jam is grid-down, post-apocalyptic reads, you should be all over this.
Me, I've been on a months-long rag, binge-reading post-apocalyptic survival novels. I've read some great ones, some okay ones, some crap ones. The Trackers series, all four books, falls in the top shelf category. Crazy thing is, when written as well as this, you're filled with the sense that this stuff could actually happen. And, sometimes, the writing's so convincing that you start thinking in terms of not "actually could happen" but, rather, "it's a matter of when." Like the best post-apocalyptic survival reads, Trackers makes me want to go out and start stocking up and buy generators and look into homesteading and read up on canning and building Faraday cages and such.
Story's set in the quaint tourist mountain town of Estes Park, Colorado, of which claim to fame is its notorious Stanley Hotel, inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in The Shining and the location shoot as Hotel Danbury in Dumb and Dumber. And what I've figured out is if a massive EMP takes out the nation's electrical grid, it's best to not be in the city. Would rather be in a rural area.
It helps that the author not only seems to know what he's talking about with these doomsday scenarios, he's savvy with character writing. The folks he introduces are easy to root for, whether it's the police chief or the nurse or the senator lady who used to be a combat pilot. The most showy character is Sam "Raven" Spears, the troubled half-breed and ex-marine who sometimes reluctantly helps out the police chief when a tracker is required. It's thru Raven that the author incorporates these pretty neat elements of Native American folklore, of which my favorites are the myths of Shunka Sapa and the creepy water cannibals.
The dope thing about binge-reading is that you can just go from one book to the next. With Trackers, there isn't a weak link. All four books are hard-hitting, well-paced, and character driven. Not everyone makes it out alive, so be careful who you get invested in.
Extreme saber rattling. A battered America. A government nearly obliterated. No power. Supplies dwindling. Estes Park - with its 10,000 inhabitants, including tourists - becomes a microcosm of the unspeakable horrors taking place across the nation. I got caught up in the pulse-pounding action, and the last ditch heroics, and in a town's struggle to survive as the townspeople are theatened with street gangs, neo-Nazis, serial killers, and cowards and politicos from within. I love it that the author finds spots to weave in the occasional plot swerve. To me, the most surprising turn is the help that comes from an unexpected ally - that most of us would assume is an enemy - and how that turns out. Very well done.
There's only one thing that really bugged me in this series. In the second book, Colton was demoted as police chief. Yet, in the third book, he's back to being police chief. I went thru much of that third book feeling salty about such an egregious lapse in continuity, and, when it finally does get addressed, it's only this passing mention. Grrr. But, hey, that's my only nag.
I wouldn't at all mind a movie treatment. Or a mini-series if it's on cable or Netflix. I'd love Colton, Detective Lindsey Plymouth, Charlize, and Nathan breathed life by good actors. Mostly, I want to see Raven onscreen, with his swagger and bad attitude and his twin hatchets and his loyal white Akita dog, Creek. Anyway, Trackers was such a great read, it's convinced me to dive into the author's Extinction Cycle series. Bar's set high.
I purchased all four of these books when they were released and I loved reading all of them. They are an intense series of stories about a post apocalyptic United States after an EMP attack from North Korea. Americans find out that sometimes your worst enemies may even be your next door neighbors and domestic terrorists.
The series features a great set of characters and villains and the story just keeps you turning the pages with intense action and disaster. You root for your heroes to survive and to try to recoup some of the sanity that America had before the war.
Nicholas Sansbury Smith is an outstanding author and I like all of his books. He has a good writing style and a practical experience in the ability to use his past work experience to bring the story alive. It is the great detail that he writes with as well as the ability to imagine all of the possibilities of such a war that makes these stories great!
I highly recommend this series and the price for all four books is a real steal.
Download PDF Christmas Crime A Kat Makris Greek Mafia Novel edition by Alex A King Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
Product details
File Size 1357 KB
Print Length 239 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
Publication Date March 20, 2019
Sold by Digital Services LLC
Language English
Christmas Crime A Kat Makris Greek Mafia Novel edition by Alex A King Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
Another amazing story about life and limb and bears and goats. Coming to America has never been so rough on a person Go Kat go!
The Makris series are my favorite books but ALL of her books are so full of snarky, trendy, cross culutural references and characters. Do yourself a favor and buy the boxed sets. And Alex hurry up and write Winter Crime please!!!
Trouble continues to follow Kat. Home Sweet Portland just ain’t what it used to be. It’s fun to see what happens around every corner. Alex A. King makes this book a real hoot! Enjoy these next adventures in the life of Katerina Makris.
Kat is being pursued by criminals on her own turf. She thought she had escaped the craziness of her Greek Family. But alas they are everywhere. Another escapade for t He Katerina Makris fans.
Luv, luv, luv Alex's work but this story felt like being short sheeted on Egyptian cotton. The story felt disappointingly short and not as detailed/developed as all the previous books. That being said, I will still buy the next edition as soon as its available.
I love these books. I go through a sort of withdrawal missing Kat. I initially struggled with the typos early in the series (they could use some polish) but have found the series to be so much fun I no longer care about that.
Murphy's law . . . when Kat's around, something WILL go wrong . . . because things aren't any better in Oregon than they were in Greece. This is a fun and entertaining book that I found very hard to put down.
Never any want of quick wit and outrageous thinking, Kat gives us the best of both America and Greece humor.
Read The Moth Presents All These Wonders True Stories About Facing the Unknown Catherine Burns Neil Gaiman eBook
Product details
File Size 6069 KB
Print Length 327 pages
Publisher Crown Archetype (March 21, 2017)
Publication Date March 21, 2017
Sold by Digital Services LLC
Language English
The Moth Presents All These Wonders True Stories About Facing the Unknown Catherine Burns Neil Gaiman eBook Reviews
I loved this collection of stories. and this phrase just made the whole book worth it
"Just walk fearlessly into the house of mourning, for grief is just love squaring up to its oldest enemy. And after all these mortal human years, love is up to the challenge"
Highly recommended.
If you love story telling, you'll love this book. It's filled with wonderful stories that will not just entertain you but transport you to different parts of the world, allow you to experience different lives, but best of all, celebrate humanity. It's a wonderful book that just makes you feel good; it's hard to put down.
And if you love Moth Radio, then of course you'll love this great collection of those stories.
Let me begin this review with my impression of the exterior design of this book. I typically don't purchase hard back books for the sake of comfortability. I like the feel of a paperback and often travel with books so the lighter the weight the better. This book, however, is amazingly comfortable to hold and the gold embossed cover design is so incredibly gorgeous a paperback cover simply would not do it justice.
As an avid Moth listener and book collector, I was thrilled to add this to my collection and ordered two copies pre-sale. When it arrived I immediately began reading and was thoroughly impressed with the sequence of the stories and how lightly the original content was edited. I have heard a lot of these stories on the podcast and reading them was just as good, if not better, as hearing them live.
I've given a copy of this book to a dear friend as a gift and am considering buying several more copies to distribute as everyone should have this book in their life.
Sitting on a porch drinking bourbon listening to people tell stories (or reading the storytellers' stories). Doesn't get any better!
I am a huge fan of the Moth podcast, and I worried that reading these stories would not be the same as hearing them in the tellers' own voices. All These Wonders is a great read though, and a hugely diverse collection of stories. I cannot wait to pass this on to my teenage son, it is amazing to be able to read about so many life experiences in one book.
I am a connoisseur of other people's stories, so The Moth is 100% love. I never fail to laugh and usually more so cry, but I enjoy rating things on how much they make me cry. I give it 5 Tears. The Moth (whether on PRX, NPR, the podcast, the books, or in person) never fails to hit me in all the feels. I love that it is a thing that exists and has for 20 years now.
Absolutely the most beautiful thing I have read. GREAT when you have ADD when it comes to reading books. Short stories are my favorite and I know that now thanks to this book. I also now follow and listen to the podcast every week. I'm so glad I found this on while looking for books that would help me with my anxieties and fear of death. I am extremely appreciative of The Moth and all that it has to offer. Hearing the stories that each of these vulnerable, beautiful souls have to say is insightful and absolutely extraordinary. The story that really touched me was from the founder George, second favorite was the man who forgave Ivan. loved it, Loved It, LOVED IT!!!
I'd heard several of these stories on the Moth podcast, and they were memorable enough I could imagine the way certain phrases were spoken. Many others were new to me. A great read for times when you have a short attention span, and need to remind yourself to there's good in the world. Like now.